mobile applications

Mobile application development is the process by which application software is developed for small low-power handheld devices such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones. These applications are either pre-installed on phones during manufacture, or downloaded by customers from app stores and other mobile software distribution platforms. 

Android is predicted to be the next-gen thing in the mobile-web world. A mobile software platform and OS based on the Linux kernel, Android allows developers to create code that can control mobile devices via Google-enabled Java libraries. A new wave in the crowded mobile market, Android is an important platform to develop mobile applications using the software stack provided in the Google Android SDK. 

Wallcliffs Systems is into the Research & Development of Mobile Applications Development in Android Platform which can be utilized in tracking the location of the mobile user. Also we are into the development of simple but useful tools in Android platform which can be utilized for any common man. Android market provides many applications of this kind as Free download but most of them are not fulfilling the purpose. 

Android Applications can be developed in the following areas.

  • Business / Office Apps
  • Communication application
  • Internet Application
  • Chat / Messaging Application
  • Multimedia Application
  • Travel Application
  • Utility application
  • Fun Application
  • Security applications
  • GPS / Wi-Fi Applications
  • Remote Application
  • Web Service Application (web service accessible from android device)