Call Centre Management System


Primary Objective is to help the Customers (Dealers) in terms of providing assistance at right time.

Secondary Objectives shall be, to capture and maintain the Customer Problems on the usage of the product, to manage & track the calls till its closure. Analyzing the average timing of handling the calls, analyzing the support executive’s performance and analyzing the technical & logical strength of the product for which the support function is being managed.

Also the utilization of support resource as well the assignment of right calls to right person shall be assessed. Daily management of Call Centre including, leave management and attendance shall be incorporated in the system so that no separate documentation required for those things.

Functional Flow of the System

There will be a product in place (DMS) used by large number of people. To provide support and assistance there will be a Call Centre running at the factory premises. Whenever the user faced any issue in the usage of the product he can take the assistance from the Call Centre by making a call or by any other mode of communication. There will be a Call number assigned and intimated to the user to track his call.

The call will be assigned to any one of the Support Executives sitting at the Call Centre for getting it resolved. Assignment of call to the SE will be done on the basis of the nature / categorization of the call. As soon as the SE gets the allotted call he will go thru the description of the issue and provide solution for it.

If the issue is beyond the scope of the SE he will escalate it to his higher authorities and intimate the customer that the solution will be provided to him as soon as it got resolved by the escalated person. If the call is a new requirement or suggestion related thing, it also will be escalated in the same way.

From the time of logging the call, the status of the call shall be maintained with unique terminology on every stage so that the user can see the status of his call. Closing of a call will be in the hands of the user (who logged it) even after resolution so that the operation will be transparent. Till the time the user satisfied with the solution provided he don’t need to close the call so that it will be under the responsibility of the SE.

There will be multiple calls assigned / attended by the SE concurrently and there may be multiple open calls by any user at the same of time. Time taken for resolving the call by each SE will be tracked and the category / sub category / Type of calls will be analyzed during any period of interval.

Area of Coverage

To manage the system the following are the Masters that shall be maintained.

  1. Project Master
    • Facility to provide multiple project management capability to the system (The same system shall be used for providing the support for any other product)

  2. Regional Language Master
    • Facility to provide the Classification of Customers / Dealers by Language in use

  3. Country Master
    • To segregate the Customers based on the Country (India, Indonesia etc)

  4. State Master
    • Further classification of Customers based on the State which they belongs to

  5. Location / Site Master
    • Every Dealer / Customer shall have the Location Id

  6. Location - Support Executive Mapping
  1. Customer Category Master
    • To categorize different types of Customers
  1. Customer Master (Dealer Master)
    • Personal details of the Customer / Dealer like Dealership Code, Name, Address, Contact Person, Contact Numbers, State, Country, Project Code etc
  1. Call Category Master
    • To categorize the calls in a related manner which will ease the resolution process
  2. Call Sub Category Master
    • To sub categorize the calls further based on the nature
  3. Call Type Master
    • Further classification of calls based on technical observation by the support executives
  4. Call Status Master
    • To manage the different states of the call (Open / Acknowledged / Assigned to SE / Escalated / Resolved / Closed / Re-Opened etc)
    • With Estimated time to resolve a call for the status
  5. Support Executive Master
    • To maintain the Support Executives available along with the mapping for the project
    • Multi Language Selection as known Languages for a SE
    • Specialization in call category - Multi - to enable auto assignment of calls to the right SE
  1. Login Type Master
    • To manage the different types of users of the support application (Admin /Customer / SE etc)
  2. Login Master
    • To manage the different logins for each individuals in all the Login types defined
  3. Leave Status Master
    • To manage the leave requests by the SE on any date (Requested / Accepted /Rejected etc)
  4. Work Shift Master
    • To maintain the shift timings in case of more than on shifts are in place
  5. Support Executive - Shift Mapping Master
    • To maintain SE for any particular shift

There are three type of user group involved in the Support activity.  Based on each type the usage of the system will vary. 

They are,

  1. Administrator
  2. Support Executives
  3. Development Vendor
  4. Client
  5. Customers/ Dealers

Transactions & Reports of the application shall be defined as,

1. Administrator / Client (TVS)

The Administrator shall have the full access to manage the masters.

Along with that,

  • Provision to select the available calls based on the following search criteria
    • Project
    • Country
    • State
    • Customer
    • Call Priority (Low / Medium / High)
    • Call Date From
    • Call Date To
    • Date Status (To track the status change)
    • Call Category
    • Call Sub Category
    • Call Type
    • Call Status
  • And the search result shall have the following fields
    • Call No
    • Call Date
    • Customer / Dealer Id or Name
    • Support Executive
    • Call Description
    • Call Status
    • Attachment availability
    • Select button to select the call
  • If the call is selected the entire history of the call will be displayed
  • The Administrator can change the Status of any Call (Eg. From Resolved it may be changed in to Acknowledged if the Admin feels the solution provided is not sufficient)
  • Provision to Print the details of the Call with or without tracking history
  • Provision to Print the Search result details as a report
  • Provision to Change the User Name / Password of any User / SE
  • Leave Alert if any of the SE applied for Leave to sanction
  • Provision to create reminder to any user / user group with date condition and response capture
  • Followed up Calls - Scheduling an Alert for any Call for the SE or User or Both
  • Creation of an FAQ Pool - Flagging from Calls as well Add directly in to FAQ
  • SE’s Attendance Report for any given period of Interval
  • Triggering Email with reports based on definition - Customer / SE / Client / Dev.Vendor

  • Graphical Representation on
    • Country / State wise Calls comparison
    • Category / Sub Category wise Analysis
    • Call Type wise Analysis
    • Support Executive Performance Analysis

2. Customer / Dealer / User

  • Login Provision with validation
  • Provision to Open a New call with / without attachment reference
  • Provision to see the calls list logged by him based on search criteria
  • Provision to change the Priority of any logged call by him
  • Provision to see the full history of the call
  • Provision to add remarks for any call before closure
  • Search FAQ Pool with Key words
  • Followed up Calls - Scheduling an Alert
  • Provision to Change his Password
  • Provision to Close / Re Open a resolved call

3. Support Executive / Development Vendor (only on escalation)

  • Alert on New Call Log
  • View Call List based on Search Criteria for reference purposes
  • Open an assigned call
  • Call Tagging-Flagging the related calls-Closure will be easy
  • Followed up Calls-Scheduling an Alert for any Call
  • Concurrent Calls Management
  • Provision to provide resolution or change status on escalation
  • Creation of an FAQ Pool-Flagging from Calls as well Add directly in to FAQ
  • Attach multiple remarks to a call
  • Leave Request
  • Daily In / Out Time recording